Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Custom Domain Name Redirect

We've rolled out a new feature for people who use Adjix with their own domain name. Now, you can have the root of your domain redirect to your own website instead of Adjix.

To enable this feature simply log into your Adjix Linker account and click on Edit Profile. There, you'll see a new option:
Redirect personal domain root to:

Simply enter the destination landing page and whenever someone enters the root of your link URL we'll automatically redirect them.

This feature should have been obvious, but we didn't implement it until Dave Winer asked it.

For example, Dave's Adjix links look like: http://r2.ly/w2g6

Now, the root of his links (http://r2.ly) automatically redirect, through Adjix, to http://newsriver.org/river2

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Own Your Links: Adjix Link Bucket Backup

Backstory: Zi.ma & Tr.im
This year, two URL shorteners have closed up operations with some spectacular publicity. Earlier this year, the owner of Zi.ma was sentenced to three years in prison and zi.ma links stopped working. Additionally, over the past 10 days, TechCrunch ran many stories about Tr.im closing down.

Community Solutions
In response to Tr.im's news, Gnip.com announced 301Works.org which is an independent URL mapping directory service. Adjix has joined 301Works in our efforts to battle broken links, also known as link rot.

Independently, Adjix deployed a new feature, this past week, to help stop link rot. We don't have an official name for this feature yet, but we currently refer to it as the Adjix Link Bucket Backup.

Link Ownership and Branding
This new Adjix feature now gives you a tremendous amount of flexibility. For starters, you can use your own domain name, in the link, in place of adjix.com or ad.vu. If you name your S3 bucket go.example.com then your links can look like http://go.example.com/1234.

Peer Review
We're proud to say that our technique has been peer reviewed by at least one official member of the Digirati, Dave Winer, who was recently proclaimed as "the biggest innovator of the web" by another Digirati member, John C. Dvorak.

The Adjix Link Bucket Backup process is simple: When you shorten a link with Adjix, we will save a working copy of the link to your Amazon S3 bucket.

Adjix charges nothing for this service. However, your monthly storage and bandwidth charges from Amazon might be about $0.10/month. Yes, Amazon will really bill you as little as a nickel or a dime each month.

How To Do It?
1. Create an Amazon S3 bucket and name it with your sub-domain (i.e. go.example.com).

2. Share your bucket with Adjix so we can save a copy of each link that you create with us. Step-by-step instructions for doing this are here: http://adjix.com/tt3b

3. Log into your Adjix account and click Edit Profile. At the bottom, just enter the name of your bucket.

4. Optional: If you want to use your domain's root name (i.e. example.com) instead of a sub-domain (i.e. go.example.com) then you'll have to use your registrar's domain name forwarding option (see paragraph entitled Domain Name Forwarding) and forward your domain to http://s3.amazonaws.com. The reason for this is that DNS doesn't not allow a domain's root to point to a CNAME - it must be an A Record.

You have two options for hosting your links. You can choose to point your sub-domain's CNAME to partner.adjix.com and Adjix will track stats for you. Or, you can set your sub-domain's CNAME to http://s3.amazonaws.com and the links will be served up directly from your S3 bucket.

Here are four, live, examples. I encourage you to curl and dig them (UNIX commands).

1. http://adjix.com/tt3b
Basic, shortened, Adjix link.
Traffic stats collected by Adjix.

2. http://go.usna93.com/tt3b
Shortened link with CNAME for go.joemoreno.com pointing to partner.adjix.com.
Traffic stats collected by Adjix.

3. http://links.joemoreno.com/tt3b
Shortened link with CNAME for links.joemoreno.com pointing to S3 bucket named links.joemoreno.com.s3.amazonaws.com.
Traffic stats logged by S3 bucket logging.

4. http://urlpuppy.com/tt3b
Shortened link with registrar domain name forwarding to http://s3.amazonaws.com.
Traffic stats logged by S3 bucket logging.

Your links are portable and any URL shortening service could serve up your redirects since your bucket is now the data store. In other words, 301 redirects are possible since any third party can read the links from your bucket, parse out the meta-refresh URL, tally the stats, and redirect the client's browser to the destination URL. While this may sound time consuming, this process only needs to be done once so the link can be copied to the third party's database.

No Worries
If Adjix closes up shop (which we do not intend to!), your links live on inside your bucket and they continue to work as they redirect people to their destination.

Link Portability
Since you now own your links, you'll have the freedom to move from one URL shortener to another, provided that they support this simple technique. Additionally, your users won't even be aware of which link shortening service you're using since your shortened links will be branded with your own domain name.

Stats Road Map When Serving Links Directly From Your Bucket
You can turn on your S3 bucket logging to track raw stats if you choose to serve up your links directly from your S3 bucket instead of Adjix. Also, we're researching how effective it will be to include your Google Analytics (Urchin) code in the link when we store it in your S3 bucket. If this option works as anticipated then you'll have full access to your link's stats in Google Analytics.

Feedback welcomed!

Joe Moreno

Friday, August 14, 2009

Adjix Joins 301Works.org

Adjix has joined the 301Works.org project which was announced this morning.

301Works is a project which ensures that shortened URLs can live on in case the company providing the link shrinking service goes out of business.

TechCrunch has been covering this topic all week - ever since tr.im announced their plans to turn off their link shrinking service:

Mashable's coverage of this announcement made it to the front page of Digg:

You can find the full press release here:

Monday, July 27, 2009

Our Apologies to @BreakingNews

Some of you may have seen the following tweet which unintentionally ended up in the @BreakingNews Twitter stream:

I have to take full responsibility for this mistake (including the typo in the tweet). This tweet was intended for my personal Twitter account which feeds into my Facebook account.

The Adjix system has several code paths that support features dedicated to special Twitter users such as @GuyKawasaki and @BreakingNews. While testing some new features, I received a text message for free food. Just show the cashier your cell phone coupon - no purchase necessary. At the restaurant, I noticed customer after customer showing their cell phones to the cashier. When I returned to work, I tweeted this out from a development machine which inserted the tweet into the @BreakingNews Twitter stream instead of mine.

I didn't even notice the error until about 15 minutes later when Michael van Poppel, the founder of @BreakingNews, contacted me. There wasn't much I could do except apologize.

Unfortunately, mistakes like this can't always be avoided especially when rolling out new features. I worked for Apple Inc. for more than eight years, including a stint at the Apple online store. Once, the online store accidentally released an upcoming feature set to the public too early - about a week before Apple's World Wide Developer Conference (WWDC) in 2003. During the WWDC keynote, Steve Jobs referred to this as "premature specification". Accidents happen.

Joe Moreno

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Startup Story Radio Interview

Rob McNealy, over at Startup Story Radio, just posted a podcast interview that he conducted with me. It's about 40 minutes long and, in addition to interviewing me, Rob shares some of his experiences regarding social media and advertising:

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Repeat Tweeting & Top 40

Adjix is pleased to announce two new features:
Repeat Tweeting which allows you to schedule the same tweet to be sent multiple times and Top 40 which allows you to view stats on your top 40 links without needing to login.

Repeat Tweeting
Repeat tweeting allows you to schedule a delayed tweet to be sent more than once, using our Adjix2Twitter Bookmarklet. For example, if you want to send out a tweet every day, for five days, reminding people to register for an event then you can easily do this by selecting the tweet to be sent once, every 24 hours, for five days.
Click to enlarge

To get your Adjix2Twitter Bookmarklet, just log into your Adjix Linker account and click on Bookmarklets. Here's a 40 second video demo of how it's done: http://adjix.com/g869

Top 40
With Top 40, you can now see how many people have clicked on your Adjix links without needing to login each time. You can also sort your links by either the time the link was created or by the number of hits it's received. We look back at your last 100 links and display the top 40.

Just bookmark one of the following links to see your stats (both links take you to the same place):

You may have to authorize your computer, the first time you visit you Top 40, by logging into your Adjix account. But, once your computer is authorized, you're all set.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Kobayashi Maru - Dealing with downtime

One of the worst things that can happen to an online business is downtime. It doesn't matter if the servers crashed, the network connection "broke", or the data center was compromised; your users can't access your service which is bad.

Theory vs. Practice
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice - in practice, there is.

Ideally, a website should never suffer any downtime. In reality, downtime can't be avoided and it will happen whether planned or unplanned. Unlike brick and motor structures which are designed to withstand storms and earthquakes, online businesses are very fragile with many single points of failure such as DNS, loss of power, failed hardware, the easily cut T-1 or OC-3 cable, etc.

Implementing a contingency plan isn't an easy task and your plans will only work well when systems fail as you expected them to fail. You not only have to figure out what you're going to do under certain circumstances, but you have to rehearse it on a regular basis - this is what the military refers to as "exercise training". Not exercising such as pull-ups or push-up, but rather wargaming the scenarios which are most likely to occur and then actually executing the planned response.

Contingency Planning At Adjix
Adjix is a small company with limited resources, so we've implemented a simple solution to keep links running if our servers go down. We do this by relying on Amazon's web servers.

Every time our users create a shortened Adjix or ad.vu link, we implement it as a meta-refresh web page instead of the industry's more common HTML redirect (sometimes referred to as a 301 or 302 redirect). Should our servers go down, we can make a quick DNS change which takes about five minutes to propagate throughout the Internet. We believe broken links are a bad thing and although we may not be able to capture detailed link click data when this happens, our links will continue to work. We've tested this plan, at Adjix, a few times without skipping a beat - of course that's no guarantee that it will work perfectly in a future crisis, but it does lower risk while increasing confidence.

Serving up shorten URLs in this manner is not the industry norm, but we believe it gives us the security, should bad things happen, that we can continue to keep our links working. No plan is perfect - it's foreseeable that both our servers and Amazon's servers could go down at the same time – but we believe it's a solid plan commensurate with our budget.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Data Migration

This week, we are in the process of migrating your link click data to CSV format. This process will continue for a while since there are many millions of hits to migrate.

You'll know that your data has been migrated when you see a CSV file, next to your link, on your link stats page. We've migrated link click data up to April 15. Link clicks received after April 15 will show up where they always have: under your hits detail page.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

The DiggBar Solution

Digg has received a lot of attention since launching their DiggBar a couple weeks ago. Sites like Engadget block the DiggBar which seems fair - engadget.com is their real estate and blocking it is trivial requiring a simple line of Javascript.

Of course, Digg could retaliate and block any story submitted that links to engadget.com (or, more simply, any link that leads to or But, I could never see this happening nor would it be productive.

However, I can envision a couple solutions that would allow the DiggBar to coexist with sites like Engadget.

1. Simple Solution
One issue that people have with the DiggBar is that users cannot see the domain name of where the content is hosted. To solve this problem, Engadget could set up a DNS alias such that digg.engadget.com points to the Digg URL.

This is a technique we allow people to use at Adjix. For example, the following two links point to the same resource located on ps-enable.com's servers:

Note, in the ps-enable.com link, that the URL in the address field of your web browser corresponds the actual domain of the content. Now imagine replacing the ad, at the top of the page, with the DiggBar.

When using this solution, Digg could simply redirect http://digg.com/1234 to http://digg.engadget.com/1234. Although this isn't a perfect solution it does give the reader an idea of which website has published the content.

2. Partnership Solution
A more elegant solution would be if websites partnered with Digg. Digg could provide their partners with a JavaScript snippet to drop on their website much like Google AdSense.

In this solution, a Digg URL, such as http://digg.com/1234 would redirect to the partner's website which would display the DiggBar "organically". In other words, the DiggBar would be served up by the site where the content is hosted.

This partnership solution is win-win since the content provider gets the traffic from Digg and the DiggBar is displayed at the top of the page making it easier for people to digg stories.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Adjix Links on Twitter

If you've been posting Adjix links to Twitter, you'll notice something interesting. Within a minute or two of posting a link ten or twenty bots will click on your link to see where it leads. This is most noticeable with Adjix links that don't contain any ads since they are simple redirects.

Due to Twitter's popularity and API every time a link is posted to Twitter it can register dozens of clicks from these third party bots which automatically index every tweet. These are usually easy to spot, when reviewing your Adjix link stats, either due to their host name containing something obvious like crawl or bot or due to the fact that they usually don't have a referrer.

So, even though it seems that your links, posted to Twitter, receive a dozen clicks off the bat - it's not always people who are clicking on them.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Guy Kawasaki Touts Adjix During Keynote

Guy Kawasaki, who is a big fan of Adjix, touted our virtues when he gave the keynote speech at last week's Search Engine Strategies conference in NYC. Although he mentioned Adjix several times, the best segment is from 22:20 - 24:30.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Data Migration

First, let me apologize for today's downtime. I cannot make any excuses and I take full responsibility for today's service interruption. While the Adjix service was down, we executed our fallback plan which enables adjix.com and ad.vu links to continue to redirect users properly. This plan uses Amazon's servers to serve up Adjix links, directly, forgoing ads and link click data collection.

We've collected a lot of data since we launched last August and we've begun implementing a data migration plan. Today was the first, big, step. You should notice that the Adjix website is more responsive, now. However, due to the massive size of the data, we've decided to bring Adjix back on line while we continue to migrate and archive the detailed link click (hit) data. The archiving process will take some time (days or longer) and you'll noticed that your link click details are not available, however, your link click totals should be correct.

I appreciate the messages that have been sent to us and thank you for your continued support.

Joe Moreno

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Adjix2Twitter Embed Ads

We introduced a new advertising format today specifically designed to pay Twitter users who embed an ad at the end of their Twitter tweets. Payment is based on the number of followers that a Twitter user has and how much an advertiser is willing to pay for an embedded ad. We anticipate the payout from this new format will eclipse our current link shrinking ad program.

The new ad format, called Embed Ads, embeds an optional ad directly into a tweet - at the end. The ad is separated from the tweet by a blank line and the word "Ad:" - the former only shows up in SMS text messages (screen shot).

A short video demonstration of Adjix2Twitter used with Embed Ads is available here: http://adjix.com/ddew

Advertiser Info
Adjix allows advertisers to create two different types of ad campaigns. One ad campaign, called the Embed Ad Campaign, allows ads to run inside Twitter tweets. The other ad campaign which Adjix has offered since its launch in August 2008 is called the Link Shrink Ad Campaign and it allows ads to be attached to shortened (shrunk) links.

1. Advertisers can target all Twitter users or only certain Twitter users to run their ads. For example, an advertiser might only target Twitter users in certain cities or Twitter users who tweet about specific interests.

2. An advertiser may set an embargo frequency meaning that once a Twitter user embeds a specific ad, they can't rerun that same ad until the embargo time period has passed. However, the ad will be available to other Twitter users.

Advertisers can create simple Adjix Embed ad campaigns by logging into their Adjix Advertiser Account. Funds added to an advertiser's account can be used for either the Twitter Embed ad campaign or the Link Shrink ad campaign.

Advertisers set the price they are willing to pay for a Twitter user to tweet their ad. The price they set for their ad is multiplied by the number of followers of the Twitter user tweeting their ad. For example, an Advertiser who sets their ad's price at $0.001/Twitter-follower ($1 CPM) would pay $5 each time a Twitter user, with 5,000 followers, tweeted their ad. Advertisers get to see the contents of each tweet when their ad is embedded.

Twitter User (Linker) Info
Adjix users using Adjix2Twitter (also called Linkers on the Adjix website since they're usually including a link in their tweets) are presented the highest paying ads, first. However, not all Twitter users qualify for every ad - there are several reasons for this:

1. Some Twitter users may be excluded by advertisers based on region or content. (It doesn't make sense for a local, N.Y. pizzeria to have their ads run by a Twitter user who lives in Japan and tweets in Kanji).

2. Some Twitter users may encounter ads that are embargoed meaning that once they send out an ad they may have to wait a period of time before they can resend it. However, during the embargo period, the ad will be available to other qualified Twitter users.

3. A Twitter user with many followers may be beyond the budget of an advertiser. For example, a Twitter user with 100,000 followers would not have an opportunity to run an ad from an advertiser paying $1 CPM if the advertiser has less than $100 remaining in their Adjix advertiser account.

Twitter users earn revenue from Adjix based on the ad price set by the advertiser multiplied by the number of followers that Twitter user has. For example, if a Twitter user, with 1,000 followers sends out a tweet with an ad with a pays out $0.0005/follower ($0.50 CPM) then that Twitter user would earn $0.50 for that tweet. Earnings from links and earnings from Embed Ads are tracked separately in each Linker's account.

Installing the Adjix2Twitter Web Browser Bookmarklet/Plug-in
You'll need to log into your Adjix Linker account in order to get your customized Adjix2Twitter Bookmarklet. The Adjix2Twitter Bookmarklet (sometimes referred to as a plug-in) can be dragged and dropped on your web browser's toolbar in Firefox, Safari, and Chrome. It also works in Internet Explorer, but, you may need to right-click on it to save it instead of dragging and dropping it on your toolbar.

Here's a short video demonstrating how to install your Adjix2Twitter Bookmarklet (plug-in) for Firefox, Safari, Chrome, and Internet Explorer :

Is there really enough room in a tweet for an ad?
Yes! Damon Cortesi, from TweetStats, was kind enough to share some private stats with me regarding the average length of a tweet. For example, Guy Kawasaki [*See disclaimer below], who has sent out close to 20,000 tweets since joining Twitter in August 2007, averages about 35 tweets/day.

Damon tells me that Guy's average tweet length is about 71 characters long or, just about half of the allowable 140 character limit.

The main Twitter account used by the NY Times, which seems to be the leading news organization that "gets it" when it comes to Twitter, also averages about 70 characters per tweet. The NY Times sends out about 40 tweets/day for a total of nearly 30,000 tweets sent, since they joined Twitter almost two years ago.

While these two Twitter "power users" only represent a small sample, it's clear that most tweets don't come close to maxing out the 140 character limit. This unused space is the perfect place for an ad. With Adjix2Twitter Embed Ads, Twitter users can see exactly what the ad will say, how much it will pay out, and whether it will fit inside their tweet before it's sent.

Advertising Opportunities Abound
We see many possible uses for Adjix Embed Ads; but, at the top of the list are news organizations. Currently, newspapers and magazines receive a large chunk of their revenue not from paying subscribers but, rather, from advertising. Now, a news organization can tweet out a headline with a link to the full text of the article followed by an Adjix Embed Ad, all in a single tweet.

Do we really need more ads?
Ads are like rainy days - no one likes them but we need a little from time to time.

Over the past decade, as the cost of delivering timely, relevant, content became cheaper, people have been less willing to pay for it. This has created many challenges in the publishing world as this industry tries to reinvent themselves since more and more people now get their news online than from print. I often joke that a newspaper is a hard copy printout of the Internet with yesterday's news. Newspapers who now think of themselves as online news outlets that happen to publish a newspaper have a much better chance of surviving compared to companies who simply think of themselves as a newspaper that happens to have a website.

Adjix is venturing into new territory with our Embed Ads. As we stick our toe into the water, we anticipate new opportunities and challenges. Do not hesitate to contact me with your comments or questions.

Joe Moreno
6965 El Camino Real
Suite 105-530
Carlsbad, CA 92009
Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/adjix

* Disclaimer: Many people have asked Guy Kawasaki what his interest is in Adjix. As Guy has mentioned several times (and, for the record) he has no interest in Adjix other than he's an avid user of Adjix2Twitter. When Adjix launched, we were very fortunate that he tweeted about our launch and new features. He has blogged about us a couple times here and here. Last week, he reiterated his love for Adjix when a security issue was discovered. Obviously, we're very thankful for his attention. Guy is a true enabler of entrepreneurs.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Too Much Online Advertising

Sometimes, websites go a little too far with their online ads - to the point that you can't find the content you're looking for; or even sort the content from the ads.

A couple months ago, my wife and I visited my family, back on Long Island, for the Holidays. We had dinner at the Maine Maid Inn, in Jericho, NY, which was built in 1789. This afternoon, my mother and sister contacted me to tell me they had heard that the restaurant had closed down. But, they couldn't find any information about it.

My first stop was the leading Long Island newspaper, Newsday. I ran a search for the Maine Maid Inn and I was surprised that I couldn't find anything about it. So, I turned to the best place to get real time information, online: Twitter.

Here is what I found (click image to enlarge):
Hey, wait, there was an article published online by Newsday. Why didn't I find it? Well, I did, but didn't know it.

Can you find the article here? (click image to enlarge)
I'm sure, now that you know the search results I was looking for are really on that web page, you can see the article at the very bottom of the page. Unfortunately, for me, it wasn't very obvious. Should the Favorite Inns Guide, The Match, and the latest Newsday corrections really be the Top Results? Of course not.

Obviously, well placed ads are the key to getting results - unless you simply intend to bombard your viewers with as many ads as possible. There are more than half a dozen ads on that Newsday web page - I'm sure six, well placed ads, could be more than ten times as effective.

Twitter Search
If you search for most anything on Twitter you'll find what people are saying about it right now - and what they ever said about it. Next time you're watching a significant event, live, on T.V., do some searches on Twitter - you'll be amazed.

Update 3.1.2009
I just read this article about Newsday - they will probably end free access to current news articles on their web site. I just don't think they get it.


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Security Hole Found, Fixed, and Deployed

Just before 10 am PST, today, a security hole was discovered, by chance, in Adjix2Twitter by Sam Nguyen which allowed him to post this tweet to Guy Kawasaki's Twitter timeline. I'd never heard of Sam or his company before today - he is the CTO at InsideWork which "infuses business innovation with biblical insight".

Since Twitter is about as real-time as it gets, the following happened within an hour of the problem being discovered by Sam:

1. I saw the tweet as soon as it was sent and I immediately reviewed the logs to discover that Guy hadn't posted it from his own Adjix account.

2. NEENZ, who is Alltop's Chief Evangelist, DM'd me about the tweet and called Guy.

3. A number of Guy's followers @'d him regarding the tweet - and many also RT'd it, seemingly "in the blind".

4. Twenty minutes after Sam discovered the problem he sent an e-mail to me outlining what he had done and I called him to get the details.

5. Guy, who was in a meeting when this happened, called me after the meeting to find out what was going on and what he needed to do.

6. Guy disavowed the tweet and proclaimed his love for Adjix.

Security Hole Details
While no one likes bugs, the one that Sam found was reproducible which makes it easier to fix.

To reproduce the problem, someone only needed to attempt to "reshrink" an Adjix link using Adjix2Twitter. Adjix2Twitter prevents an Adjix link from being "reshrunk" again and simply returns the original link. The problem was that the Twitter credentials associated with the original link were being used to post to Twitter. No Twitter user info and no Adjix user info was compromised or exposed. Exploiting this security hole only made it possible to post to someone else's Twitter account and it happened exactly once.

To fix this problem, our servers now ensure that the Linker's credentials of the user who clicked on the Adjix2Twitter bookmarklet are used and not the credentials associated with the link.

The Adjix2Twitter fix went live at 12:15 pm, about two hours after Sam first discovered the problem. All is well.


Mysterious Clicks

Last Friday I was talking on the phone to an old buddy, Andy, from high school. I wanted to show him a web page on the Adjix website so I created an Adjix link (redirect) to it and gave it to him over the phone. He manually typed the link into his web browser without any problems.

After we got off the phone I checked my Adjix link stats and noticed that there were two clicks on the newly created link. One link click was registered about 40 seconds after it was created which was obviously Andy typing it into his web browser. But, about 15 minutes later, while we were still on the phone, there was a second click from this IP address:

Who is
This IP address is registered to Japan Network Information Center. This strikes me as a little odd since I live in San Diego and Andy lives in L.A. The only other useful thing I can tell you about this link click is that its user agent was Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1).

How did someone or, more likely, some bot, find out about my link within 20 minutes of it being created? I don't know. My best guess is that maybe Andy has some spyware on his Windows computer.

I'd love to hear you thoughts on this. Tweet them to me @Adjix or via e-mail: MysteryClick@adjix.com


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Social Bookmarking Support Integrated into Adjix

We're happy to announce that social bookmarking for all major social networks has now been integrated directly into Adjix. When shrinking a link or posting a tweet you now have the ability to bookmark the link and "Tell a Friend" using:
Digg, Facebook, MySpace, Gmail, Yahoo! mail, Google Talk, MSN, AOL Instant Messenger, Blogger, WordPress, Delicious, StumbleUpon, BuzzUp, Reddit, Slasdot, and more.

After shrinking a link through the Adjix website, simply mouse over the text field with the shorten link and choose how you'd like to bookmark your link or spread the word.
click to enlarge

When using Adjix2Twitter, your tweet link is automatically feed into the social bookmarking widget. From there you can edit it before bookmarking it or sending it on its way.

click to enlarge

Please don't hesitate to let us know what you think of the Tell a Friend widget.


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Delayed Tweeting and Multiple Twitter Account Support

Today we rolled out a few key features to make using Adjix to tweet on Twitter even better.

1. Delayed Tweeting
2. Multiple Twitter Account Support
3. Adjix2Twitter with and without Link Shrink

1. Delayed Tweeting
Now you can use Adjix2Twitter to schedule tweets to be sent out either immediately or schedule them to go out hours, days, or months into the future. If you make a mistake scheduling a tweet, you can log into your Adjix Linker account and delete it.

2. Multiple Twitter Account Support
Adjix now supports multiple Twitter accounts. This is ideal for people who use one Twitter account for business and another for personal tweeting. If you already have an Adjix account then edit your profile to add a second Twitter account.

3. Adjix2Twitter with and without Link Shrink
With Adjix2Twitter Bookmarklets (also referred to as Firefox plug-ins) you have a choice: You can either shrink a link and tweet it with a single click or you can skip the link shrinking and tweet from inside your web browser in a single click.

Video: Adjix2Twitter with link shrink

Video: Adjix2Twitter without link shrink

Monday, January 5, 2009

Twitter Data Analysis

Twitter data analysis of 10.2M tweets from 2.7M users shows Adjix as the 9th most popular URL shortener on Twitter: http://adjix.com/n4e